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Moving to USA with my buddy (during Covid) ②

Since some airlines have started accepting

animal transport by December,

I have decided to tentatively return to Japan

so I can bring Willy Senpai (dog) to the U.S.

Immediately after returning to Japan,

I asked my best friend Ami to

join me to the wilderness of Saitama.

My nerve increased reuniting

with Willy Senpai for the first time in 5 months

Did it regain its original appearance?

He seemed to have enjoyed

wildlife in the mountains.

I can feel his firm determination

that he will never step the boring asphalt

in Tokyo again.

Joanna, who took care of Willy Senpai,

I want to say really really Thank you! 😂

Following the reunion with Willy Senpai,

Mini Mole (daughter) is also back from the NZ

boarding school.

So the mission of Mole is to bring both

Mini Mole & Willie Sempai back

to Arizona safely.

However, the reality is that

Covid spread still continues.

I can carry Willy Senpai from Tokyo to LA

on Cargo (animal transportation)


for domestic flights in the U.S.

are still suspended.

Which means ...

After arrive in U.S.,

I need to drive 8 hours from LA to Arizona,

with jet lag, with lots of other wild drivers.

This beginner driver will drive a van with

Mini Mole + Willy Senpai + Large amount of luggage???

Continued to ③

In the middle of Covid, it was difficult to go abroad even for human beings, how super challenging it was to bring a dog! I have been with Willy Senpai, formerly a stray dog (rescue dog) in Tochigi, for eight years now and he is an important family member. I can't give up now, so I jumped into the U.S. in anticipation of the ridiculous power of the smithy!

( my rare journey continues... ▶ ︎)

I am participating in ranking! Please VOTE! ▼▼▼

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About Mole

I graduated from the University of Arts in London.  After returning to Japan, I gave birth to a daughter and a son.  Few years later, the family moved to Switzerland for 3 years due to husband's second overseas posting and wrote a comedy blog which constantly recorded 20,000 accesses a day.  Follow me on Twitter and Instagram, I will write update information and behind-the-scenes stories!😊  ( Continue to Profile page ︎)

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